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(Operational Stress Injuries) OSI-Can

OSI-CAN is dedicated to helping serving members and Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, Allied Armed Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Community First Responders, which include municipal police services, emergency medical services, fire protection services, emergency communications specialist (911 operators), hospital trauma personnel and corrections officers.

BounceBack for Youth: Reclaim Your Health

Feeling low, stressed or anxious? BounceBack® is a free skill-building program from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Saskatchewan Division designed to help youth age 15 and older manage low…

C.A.R.E. Program

Caregiver Affected Recovery Education (C.A.R.E.), is a program which was developed for the Canadian Mental Health Association, Saskatchewan Division Inc. It is designed to offer support and education to anyone who…

Gambling Awareness Program

For more information on the Gambling Awareness Program, please visit our website at The Gambling Awareness Program is funded by the Community Initiatives Fund and is part of the…

H.O.P.E. Learning Centre

H.O.P.E. Learning Centre (Recovery College) Helping Others through Peer Education The Hope Learning Centre is an educational program that offers students the opportunity to register for a number of different…

Healing Through Humour

Healing Through Humour is a program designed to teach people living with mental illness the art of stand-up comedy writing and performance. The program’s primary goal is to break down…

Justice Community Support Program

CMHA Saskatchewan is proud to announce the Justice Community Support Program (JCS), a new Provincial initiative which began in the fall of 2013. JCS will assist clients with a Mental…

LivingWorks Start

We are working with the Ministry of Health and LivingWorks to provide START licenses. START is an entry point for helping people talk about suicide and is a part of…

Mentally Safe Minecraft Server

Welcome to CMHA Saskatchewan’s Minecraft Server! This is a unique venture, totally new to our standard mental health programming. New, as of 2022, CMHA Sask. Division is introducing our very…

Transition Magazine

TRANSITION is a truly unique publication, published twice annually by the Saskatchewan Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association. A subscription to TRANSITION is available by purchasing an annual CMHA…

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