
The 2022 CMHA AGM
Jul 21, 2022
Save the Date & Join us for This Year’s AGM
Friday, July 22, 2022, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting to be held by Zoom
If you wish to attend, please register. We will send you a confirmation email with your Zoom Link.
The CMHA Saskatchewan Division 2021-2022
Annual Report
All members in good standing of the Canadian Mental Health Association (Saskatchewan Division) Inc. – including members in good standing of any CMHA Branches in Saskatchewan – are eligible to vote.
2022 Provincial Board Nomination Slate – PDF Download
PRESIDENT – Chet Hembroff
Chet Hembroff was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan. He is currently completing a Ph.D. in Experimental and Applied Psychology at the University of Regina. Chet’s research focuses on the decision-making processes of law enforcement officers and evaluating evidence-based practices within law enforcement training. Chet has been working as a Research Analyst in the Research and Strategic Partnerships Unit at the RCMP since 2012. Mental health has increasingly become a concern for law enforcement officers, both for managing interactions with civilians and for maintaining personal well-being. Chet hopes his Ph.D. work and continued research in his role with the RCMP will help develop a better understanding of mental health for police and for those they interact with. Chet joined the CMHA Saskatchewan Division Provincial Board in 2013, has served as the Vice-President in 2014, President in 2016, and is also a member of the CMHA Justice Community Support Program admission and discharge committee.
TREASURER – Bryan Leier
Bryan Leier grew up on a mixed farming operation around the Sedley/Francis area. He was a small business operator for 25 years and currently works as a Manager at the Bennett Dunlop Ford Collision Centre.
Bryan has served on the Sedley Village Council since 1988 – serving as a Councillor for 20 years and Mayor for 12 years. He has served on many community boards in Sedley and remains active as a volunteer for the Fire Department and chairs the Parks and Recreation Committee for the Village of Sedley. Bryan has also served on many provincial bodies including Chair of the Conexus Arts Centre (11 years), Director and Finance Committee Chair of the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region (10 years), and Board Chair for the Health Insurance Reciprocal of Canada (14 years) to name just a few. He currently sits as
a Director and past Vice-Chair of the Apprentice and Trade Certification Commission and is also an industry representative on the Sask. Auto Dealers Association. Bryan is also a Director on the Saskatchewan Collision Repair Association (SAAR) as well as sitting on the Board of Sask Polytech. He has been a member of the Canadian Mental Health Association (Saskatchewan Division) Board for several years, serving as the Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair.
With extensive board experience, Bryan has spent a considerable amount of time working with organizations to establish solid planning, governance, and short and long-term strategic planning, along with solid financial determinants. He enjoys community affairs, politics, cars and Arizona. Bryan is married to Rose and they have three children and four grandchildren.
Myla Bulych
Myla Bulych is a pharmacist with a passion for psychological health and safety and executive coaching.
Myla is a Senior Pharmaceutical Program and Policy Consultant at the Ministry of Health. Her role at the Ministry requires her to be highly collaborative and to provide outputs with quick turnaround, while being flexible and meeting the needs of many pharmacists and pharmacy organizations. She is able to be successful in her stimulating and ever-changing role because of the value she places on effective communication, respect for others and the ability to work in formal and informal teams across the pharmacy sector.
Myla also maintains her practicing pharmacy license, working in community pharmacy in Regina, and is a Psychological Health and Safety Advisor, coaching executives and future leaders.
Myla sits on the Healthy Workplace Committee at the Ministry of Health, which has a focus on psychological health and safety, Chaired the Wade Moffatt Memorial Gala, worked as a volunteer pharmacist in the Prevention Through Empowerment, Woman’s Health Medical Caravan in Tanzania, Africa and continues to volunteer on many other committees of interest.
Myla and her husband Mike keep busy with their 3-year-old daughter Makenna.
Susan Grohn
Susan Grohn is a nurse and Grey Nuns graduate. She sat on the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association Disciplinary Committee for two terms.
Susan has served on several boards in the community such as the Church Board, Bursary Committee and the CMHA Weyburn Branch Board.
Susan has served on the CMHA Weyburn Branch Board for 17 years, serving in the capacity of both President and Vice-President. She has been very influential in promoting CMHA in the community by working closely with the media. Susan has also been instrumental in providing education and awareness in the schools and has played an active role on the Parent Teacher Association for Suicide Prevention and Intervention.
Susan originally became a member of the CMHA Provincial Board in 2003. She served as President from 2006 to 2009, 2018 to 2020 is currently Past President.
For several years Susan owned and operated a personal care home in Weyburn until her recent retirement.
Femi Ogunrinde (C.Dir.)
Femi holds a B.Sc and M.Sc degree in earth sciences and an M.Res in Business Admin from the University of Liverpool. He is completing a Doctor of Healthcare Admin from the Virginia University of Lynchburg and a Post-graduate Certificate at Harvard University Medical School. Femi also obtained the Chartered Director designation (C.Dir) from the De Groote School of Business of McMaster University.
He has an extensive work experience of about forty years as a Uranium geologist, High School Teacher, University Professor, Pastor, Community Leader, Business Owner, and Chartered Director. Femi is CEO/President of 2 non-profit organizations and three businesses in Realty and International Education.
He volunteered as a public representative with the College of Opticians (2016-2019) and the College of Physicians and Surgeons (2019 till date) and serves in the following Positions and Committees: Chair, Compensation & Benefits Review, End of Life Care, Strategic Implementation, Executive, Diversity & Bias, Vice-President of the Board of Turning Leaf Services, and a member of the Governance Committee. He sits on the Saskatchewan Social Services Appeals Board and the Senate of the University of Regina.
“I have walked a family member with mental illness through a restoration journey from near homelessness to full integration with family and prospering. As a result, I want to give myself to serving CMHA in its effort to promote mental health and recovery.”
Shannon Gray
Shannon Gray is a Saskatchewan Cognitive Disability Consultant for the region of South Central Saskatchewan (Moose Jaw and area). She has been working as a consultant to the Cognitive Disability Strategy (CDS) for nine years, assisting individuals who are in need of support. She helps people navigate systems, connect to CDS funding and offers behavioural assessment and program planning as requested.
In the fall of 2017 she initiated the establishment of the “In it Together – Resiliency Network”, which is based on the principles of positive psychology, group factors, and psychodramatic techniques as taught by Dam Tomasulo. Through the development of this group she secured a partnership with CMHA Moose Jaw Branch and they have been co-facilitators since 2018. The opportunity to be part of this groups has been very meaningful to Shannon and she has been able to lead similar groups for youth with the support of a local school division.
Shannon enjoys learning and then sharing what she learns with others. She participates in professional development opportunities whenever she gets the chance. The “In It Together – Resiliency Network” grew from her attendance at the “Mental Health for All” conference of 2017.
Shannon has a passion for helping individuals feel valued and included. Her graduating project explored how having an intellectual disability impacted one’s inclusion with peers in school as well as the development of social and emotional learning skills as they are related to executive functioning.
Shannon believes that mental health and wellness is achievable for everyone and that healthy relationships are a key component.
Micheal G. Halyk
For over 40 years Micheal farmed and was an activist in the Melville area of Saskatchewan. Only recently, along with his wife Karen, they dispersed the last of their land holdings and moved to Yorkton, hoping to eventually move into a semi or fully retirement mode in that centre. After a short career in auto sales, Micheal is winding down his work day and drives a school bus as well as other part-time work.
For over a dozen years (almost from its inception) Micheal has been a volunteer with the Melville Branch of the CMHA. Currently, he sits as the chairman of the organization.
Micheal and Karen have two children and two very active grandchildren. Their daughter, along with her husband and children, resides in Swift Current and their son lives and works in Yorkton.
Always an activist, Micheal has served his communities through many aspects at the local, Provincial, National and even at the international stage. He sees community involvement as the lifeblood of rural Saskatchewan but is quite concerned at the lack of both involvement and leadership that is so evident today with volunteer groups.
Micheal has been a representative to the Provincial Board of CMHA for two terms and feels he still would like to stay involved to finish some very worthwhile projects.