
Sales for the CMHA Cash Calendar Fundraiser Will Wrap-Up Soon!
Nov 29, 2022
CMHA Saskatchewan Division will wrap-up sales for the 2023 Cash Calendar Fundraiser soon!
Available for purchase in our Online Store, the 2023 CMHA Cash Calendar is a follow-up to our “What Makes you Smile” Art Call campaign.
We have the CMHA Cash Calendar and, returning once again, the CMHA 50/50 Draw. These are both significant fundraisers for CMHA Saskatchewan Division and our programming. Most of the funds raised will be going towards supporting the work of the Hope Learning Centre. Hope Learning Centre is a mental health education program in the style of a community college. Students can sign up for a myriad of FREE courses that focus on coping skills, stress management, life skills, and different mental health conditions. Hope Learning Centre has removed a lot of the noise around mental health learning and made it relevant, easy to understand, and practical for everyday use! Sign up for a FREE account and start enjoying the courses we have available!
This year we have over $56,000 in Cash Prizes. We have 8,000 calendars available for purchase, and our Sweet Heart Draw on February 14th will be $14,000.
In addition, there are 15,000 tickets available for the 50/50 draw this year for a maximum prize amount of $37,000.
Our Official SLGA licence for the Cash Calendar and 50/50 is:
Calendar Lottery Lic. # LR22-0022
50/50 Raffle Ticket Lottery Lic. #LR22-0022
If you would like to learn more about the Cash Calendar…
please visit our official website pages by clicking the image below:
For the CMHA
Cash Calendar
Web Pages
If You Would Like to Make a Purchase…
Please visit our online store or visit us at:
Canadian Mental Health Association Saskatchewan Division
2702 12th ave.
Regina Saskatchewan
In Regina Area Call – 306-525-5601 ex. 223
Call Toll Free – 1-800-461-5483
OR Email us – [email protected]
Thank you to everyone who chooses to support our fundraising efforts. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. CMHA Saskatchewan Division couldn’t run its programming without the support of exceptional people like you!