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Transition Magazine

TRANSITION is a truly unique publication, published twice annually by the Saskatchewan Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association. A subscription to TRANSITION is available by purchasing an annual CMHA Sask membership for $50.

TRANSITION is a magazine that publishes two kinds of works: those directly about mental health issues and the individual’s personal experience of those same issues. Both types of work celebrate lives in transit – lives of change, growth, and transformation.

We solicit original, unpublished articles, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, book reviews, and visual art (black and white) that represent current mental health issues in our province and reflect on their impact on individuals. TRANSITION encourages emerging writers and artists to submit their work for publication.

Check out our latest edition of Transition!

Transition – Spring/Summer 2024

Click on the image to Download:

Print copies will begin to be distributed soon.


Continuous Submission Guidelines for Transition 2023

TRANSITION is published two times a year (Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter) by CMHA (SK. Div.) Inc.

Subscription by joining CMHA SK Div. at $50 / year


1. Canadian writers and artists are invited to send original and unpublished articles, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and visual art that represent current mental health issues and reflect on their
impact on individuals. Please query the Editor at [email protected] if you wish to submit something outside this scope (e.g., short dramas, cartoons, comics,
short graphic novels or book reviews).

2. All submissions must be accompanied by a short 50-word bio and complete contact information (mailing address and email address).

3. Maximum manuscript lengths:
Prose – 3500 words
Poetry – up to 5 poems

4. Unsolicited international contributions, reprints and simultaneous submissions (to several magazines) are not considered.

5. Turnaround time is generally within one issue or up to 6 months. Do not send a second submission before the first has been reviewed.

6. Payment is $50.00 per printed page ($25/half page), $40.00 per published visual artwork, and $200 for cover art.
Cap on contributions: $200/author. Contributors will also receive two paper copies of the magazine they appear in.

7. Only electronic submissions, including complete contact information and a brief bio, are accepted.

8. Submit manuscripts in MS Word format
Standard font (i.e. Times New Roman)
Double-spaced, normal margins
Email the attachment to: [email protected] or directly to the Editor at:
[email protected].
E-mail submissions should have “FOR TRANSITION” in the subject line.

9. Surface mail should be sent to: TRANSITION, C/O CMHA (SK), 2702-12th Avenue, Regina, SK S4T 1J2.


Transition – Fall/Winter 2023

Transitions Spring 2022 Edition

Transitions Fall 2021 Edition







Transitions Spring 2021 Edition

Transitions Fall 2020 Edition

Transition Spring 2020 Edition

Transition Fall 2019

Transition Winter 2018 Edition

Transition Spring/Summer 2017

Transition Winter 2016

Transition Summer 2016

Transition Spring 2016

Transition Winter 2015

Transition Summer 2015

Transition Winter 2014

Transition Summer 2014

Transition Winter 2013

Transition Summer 2013

Transition Fall 2012

Transition Spring 2012

Transition Fall 2011

Transition Spring 2011

Transition Fall 2010

Transition Spring 2010

Transition Fall 2009

Transition Spring 2009

Transition Fall 2008

Transition Spring 2008

Transition 2007

Subscribe to TRANSITION

While CMHA Sask currently ensures that a pdf copy of TRANSITION is available to share online, there is nothing like holding it hard-copy in your hands.

Purchase of an annual CMHA SK membership helps to ensure we can keep producing TRANSITION Magazine for years to come! Thank you for all of your support.

Contact CMHA SK toll free in Saskatchewan at 1-800-461-5463 – or call 306-525-5601 out of province. You can also email us for membership and subscription inquiries at [email protected]

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