
Funding For Hope – GoFundMe Campaign
Jun 27, 2022
The Hope Learning Centre needs your help! Join us on GoFundMe as we raise funds to keep this program running!
The Hope Learning Centre opened its doors in March of 2020, but we were immediately stone-walled by the pandemic. Like many other programs and businesses, we adapted and now, 2 years later, we have really come into our own. The Hope Learning Centre offers 11 TOTALLY FREE mental health courses to the general public as well as regular Mental Health First Aid, ASIST, and SafeTalk certification courses. In the Fall of 2022, we will be adding an additional 7 courses for a total of 18, 100% free-to-sign-up classes offered both virtually and in person.
Sounds great, right? It is, only we need help with funding. 2022 has been a rough year already, government funding, grants, and corporate sponsorships are all being reduced and that leaves us in a bit of a pickle. We need additional community support to ensure the Hope Learning Centre is able to continue its mission of bringing free, publically accessible mental health education to the public. Our program is in its infancy, we have major plans for program expansion in the short, medium, and long term, but right now, in the current economic situation, just when people need mental health resources the most, our core funding is shrinking.
Interested in knowing more about our courses and what we offer, check out our website at:
We invite anyone interested to help share our new GoFundMe campaign. We have a pretty hefty goal for funding, but go big or go home…right? Realistically, our goal of $250,000 will go towards new course development, course delivery, maintaining our virtual classroom capabilities, the development of support groups, and maintaining facilities as we do have an In-Person Classroom.
We are also working with rural branches of CMHA in Saskatchewan to reproduce our Blended Learning Virtual Classroom so we can better serve rural areas. This is one of our Long term goals and we are very excited about the current pilot project we have planned.
Your support is appreciated. We literally can’t make this happen without the support of our Saskatchewan communities. Even if you can’t make a donation we would be thrilled if you could help us share this campaign with more people. Just click the image link below and you’ll be taken to the GoFundMe page we’ve created. Please excuse our fundraiser creator’s Facebook profile, this is our Program Director Daniel Blondeau, we are looking into assigning a new Facebook profile to this Fundraiser, but Dan Osaurus Rex is a real person and this is a real CMHA Saskatchewan Program doing real work in the province.
Any and all support, sharing, engagement, or cross-promotion is welcome. Thank you all from all of the staff at Hope Learning Centre and CMHA Sask. Div.