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Chase The Ace Fundraiser 2024

The Ace of Spades has been found!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our fundraiser this year. Your support and donations are incredibly valuable and goes back into nurturing our community. We hope to continue to provide essential programming to help those in need of mental health care and support.

You’re not just purchasing a ticket, you’re helping fund vital programs and services people access every day to support their mental well-being. From educational programs, to support groups, to systems navigation and everything in between, your $10 can make a big impact for someone looking to get help!

Congratulations to Ummey Salma for finding that Ace of Spades!

Draws are every Thursday at 2:00pm, from April 1st to December 12th, 2024.

Draws are now concluded since the ace has been found.

SLGA Licence #LR23-0148


Weekly Winners List

Week 1

Kurt Borgeson
$66 to the winner
$99 to the growing Jackpot

Week 2

Tracy Gnip
$68 to the winner
$201 to the growing Jackpot

Week 3

Janet Friesen
$46 to the winner
$270 to the Jackpot

Week 4

Landon VanEverdink
$30 to the winner
$315 to the Jackpot

Week 5

Perry Nyhus
$34 to the Winner
$366 to the Jackpot

Week 6

Marlene McKnight
$38 to the winner
$423 to the growing Jackpot.

Week 7

Janet Friesen
$40 to the winner
$483 to the Jackpot

Weeks 8/9

Denise Dick
$34 to the winner
$534 to the Jackpot

Weeks 10/11

Landon VanEverdink
$8 to the winner
$546 to the Jackpot

Week 12

Marcelle Waite
$20 to the Winner
$576 to the Jackpot

Weeks 13/14

Marcelle Waite
$22 to the Winner
$609 to the Jackpot

Weeks 15/16

Marcelle Waite
$10 to Winner
$624 to the Jackpot

Week 17

Janet Friesen
$6 to the Winner
$633 to the Jackpot

Weeks 18/19/20

Janet Friesen
$16 to the Winner
$657 to the Jackpot

Week 21/22/23

Royce Gaebel
$8 to Winner
$669 to the Jackpot

Week 24/25

Janet Friesen
$4 to the Winner
$675 to the Jackpot

Weeks 26/27/28

Sharon Saip-Ezewski
$10 to the Winner
$690 to the Jackpot

Week 29/30

Sharon Saip-Ezewski
$8 to the Winner
$702 to the Jackpot

Week 31/32

Laura Williams
$20 to the Winner
$732 to the Jackpot

Week 33

Laura Williams
$18 to the Winner
$759 to the Jackpot

Week 34

Rod O’Byrne
$24 to the Winner
$795 to the Jackpot

Week 35/36

Ummey Salma
$18 to the Winner
$822 Jackpot cash out

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