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Know When to Quit: Chasing Losses

Know When to Quit

What does chasing losses even mean?

When gambling, chasing losses is the act of increasing the amount of bets or transactions in an effort to recoup prior losses. 

In other words, chasing losses is when someone tries to win back the money they’ve lost by gambling more… In reality, chasing losses often results in more losses, creating a vicious cycle of betting that could lead to harm and even gambling addiction. 

The odds of winning are always stacked against you and with every bet or spin, your odds are reset and you have the same chance of winning as you did the first time. It’s important to set limits on the time and money you spend while gambling and keep loss chasing out of your game plan.

About Us

The Gambling Awareness Program (GAP) educates communities and groups about the facts and risks associated with traditional and modern gambling.

GAP has proudly been a program of the Canadian Mental Health Association Saskatchewan Division since 1994. As such, we include general mental health resources and information in all of our outreach efforts.

GAP Resources

Problem Gambling Family Guide

The Problem Gambling Family Guide was developed to provide families and friends with information about problem gambling, its impact on families, how children are affected, and the financial consequences of a gambling problem.

Read the Guide Read the Guide

Financial Literacy and Gambling

This pamphlet is designed to give the reader more information about the financial side of gambling, while providing tips on how to reduce the potential financial harms of gambling.

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Problem Gambling and the Family

This pamphlet will offer some insights into how families are affected by gambling, the rules and roles of family members, and how to reach out for help.

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Sports Betting

Sports betting is becoming an increasingly popular form of gambling across Canada and is available on more platforms than ever. This pamphlet why sports betting is riskier than one might think.

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Social Media & Mental Health

Have you ever caught yourself endlessly scrolling your social media accounts or felt bad about yourself after reading other peoples’ posts? You’re not alone. This two-page resource explains the dangers of social media overuse and offers tips to keep social media use safe.

Read the pamphlet Read the pamphlet


Are you struggling with gambling?

Call 1-800-306-6789 or visit

The Saskatchewan Problem Gambling Helpline is a free and confidential way to get help and learn more about gambling problems if you or a loved one are struggling.

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